Healing A Nation [The World] – The Quest for Solutions

September 19, 2009


The past couple of weeks I’ve been on the verge of updating the last blog post ‘Healing A Nation [The World ]. Every time I think I have the topic in context with the last blog, potentially world changing events occur that present a new light on what may or may not be immediate solutions for America’s future.

The good news is:  when overcoming America’s current problems,  just to get back to the task of  leveling a playing field for America’s future (indigent children) seems  beyond possibility, its exciting to know there are powerful non political organizations of peoples and nations who have been working behind the scenes for years collectively seeking solutions for Humanity’s future which include America’s future and security as well as that of all countries.

With the political drama thrown in our faces day in and day out by the (special interests controlled) media in the Jerry Springer style I referred to in Healing A Nation [The World], who would know without researching …there are constructive efforts to find solutions for the global problems concerning us all?

The Millennium Project

In my quest for understanding a need for a holistic approach in solving America’s current socioeconomic and political problems,  I recently came into contact with The Millennium Project.

The Millennium Project is a global participatory futures research think tank of futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities.

The Millennium Project Sponsors from 1996 to present include   Azerbaijan Ministry of Communications, Baku, Azerbaijan,  The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY,  US Army Environmental Policy Institute (AEPI), Arlington, Virginia,   World Bank (through World Perspectives Inc.), Washington, DC, The Hershey Company, Hershey, Pennsylvania, as well as other globally known organizations.

The Project was initiated by the Smithsonian Institution, The Futures Group International, and the United Nations University (UNU). It was created through a three-year feasibility study funded by the U.S. EPA, UNDP, and UNESCO, in which participated over 200 futurists and scholars from about 50 countries. Phase 1 of the feasibility study began in 1992 with funding from U.S. EPA to identify and link futurists and scholars around the world to create the initial design of the Project and conduct a first test on population and environmental issues. In 1993/94 during Phase II, a series of reports were created on futures research methodology and long-range issues important to Africa, funded by UNDP. Phase III, conducted in 1994/95 under the auspices of the UNU/WIDER and funded by UNESCO concluded with the final feasibility study report.  Today, the Project accomplishes its mandate by connecting individuals and institutions around the world to collaborate on research to address important global challenges. Since 1996, about 2,500 futurists, scholars, decision makers, and business planners from over 50 countries contributed with their 15-GCviews to the Millennium Project research.

The 15 Global Challenges provide a framework to assess the global and local prospects for Humanity. Their description, with a range of views and actions to addressed each, enriched with regional views and progress assessments are updated each year since 1996 and published in the annual Millennium Project  ‘State of the Future’, with an Executive Summary each year,  in addition to an  in-depth reporting of  research analysis  and recommendations by participants addressing the global challenges for Humanity.

The World Economic Forum (WEF)

The World Economic Forum is an independent, international organization incorporated as a Swiss not-for-profit foundation,  striving towards a world-class corporate governance system where values are as important a basis as rules.

‘Our motto is ‘entrepreneurship in the global public interest’. We believe that economic progress without social development is not sustainable, while social development without economic progress is not feasible.’

The vision for the World Economic Forum is threefold. It aims to be: the foremost organization which builds and energizes leading global communities; the creative force shaping global, regional and industry strategies; the catalyst of choice for its communities when undertaking global initiatives to improve the state the world.

General World Economic Forum Intitiatives are overseen by the guardianship of  a dynamic board including global leaders such as  Kofi Annan, Tony Blair, H.M Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, and other world leaders in government, science and business.

Most recently, The ‘Summer Davos ‘ Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2009 was held in Dalian, People’s Republic of China from 10-12 September, 2009.

‘At the close of the third Annual Meeting of the New Champions, a panel of multinational experts called for fundamental shifts in business models and government policies to address the glaring imbalances exposed by the crisis.’

Individual Participation


All participants in every organization worldwide agree,  and solicit the participation of individuals in all levels of global society to become involved as part and in the interests of  Humanity which is reflected and available to anyone by  The Millennium Project and  The World Economic Forum (WEF).


Finding solutions for issues from global climate and environmental matters, food and water for the world, macroeconomics, global education, health, and poverty with Humanity’s best interest are all on top of the agendas of several organizations.

Its not all about Obama, or the Democrats, Republicans, or anything to do with politics or America to come up with solutions to save the world. …. as Ive been saying … its all of us together.


In the real world, nations like China, The European Union, Africa, England, and Japan are all accepting their role and responsibility for problems threatening the future of  Humanity.

Each are committed to making significant changes to ensure a better future for the world and humanity. As water in China  is mostly contaminated and water tables rapidly falling , China has become a fervent participant despite recent apathy toward environmental and human rights issues as openly shared at  ‘Summer Davos ‘ Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2009. by Wen Jiabao, Premier of the People’s Republic of China.

Nevertheless,  America is still waking up  …still not accepting  responsibility for its role in the world economic crisis, or the risk of its very existence as the world’s most powerful nation being a thing of the past.

We as a nation, individually and collectively need to roll up our sleeves and take charge of  bringing  America back to its humble beginnings of morality, transparency, and Constitution.

The rest of the world  realizes  the need to return to  basic fundamental practices of ethical business and conduct. Links, resources, videos with world leaders openly discussing and agreeing are here in this blog.

America has to turn the corner and catch up with the rest of the world for a change … no politics, no smoke and mirrors,  and no Jerry Springer theatrics … just real open and honest … or be left behind with diminished power and influence in the world without a single shot being fired.

With the G-20, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2009 coming up in Copenhagen,World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos-Klosters, Switzerland 27 – 31 January 2010, and other global efforts  to improve the state of the world and the future … America has to step up to the plate.

The world is looking at America with critical eyes and doubts about Obama and the new administration having the leadership capability to adapt to needed changes as seen by the global community.

The next few weeks and months as near as current daily events beyond political issues ‘like health care reform’ , the Obama administration will be reacting to  global expectation and perspective  to cater to the world rather than the people of  America which anyone who is aware, will be able to recognize .

Ready or not, with or without Obama and with or without America, the world is holistically moving forward in the interest of Humanity which in turn,  ensures security in the interests of majority rather than an elite.

Wild card factors

In the midst of global interest in improving the state of the future and Humanity,  since Obama’s ‘no quid pro quo’ move to scrap the missile defense program in Europe, global attention has been drawn to Russia given recent statements and reactions from Russian leaders and Russia’s history since World War II.

Russia is now pressuring the Obama administration for additional  ‘no quid pro quo’ concessions which would benefit only Russia.

Obama has already demonstrated attraction to  Mikhail Gorbachev, and intrigued with the challenge of  building a bond with Putin who thus far only toys with Obama in amusement.

Meanwhile, Israel is being pushed further out on the limb regarding Iran and nuclear threat with Russia behind the scenes selling and/or supplying weapons to enemies of both Russia and The United States while Obama has sent signals to Israel that US/Israel relations are not as trustworthy as in recent decades.

With all of China’s new found good intentions, China is now the second largest economy in the world with exceptional technology and could be drawn into circumstances to protect its own interests apart from the growing global “camaraderie”.

… all the more reason that  America needs to wake up and focus on the realities surrounding each of us as individuals.

6 Responses to “Healing A Nation [The World] – The Quest for Solutions”

  1. Cheryl Says:

    Fantastic. Always. I have a good friend who is a physicist and we were talking about life in space, and whether or not she believed there was life “out there”. Her response made me cry, because it was so true.

    “I believe that it is entirely possible that there is life out there, but I don’t think they would come here. Why would they? It would be like us going to visit a planet of cockroaches.”

    Until we realize that we are not “races” – we are humanity, well. As you say.

    America especially needs to wake up!!! We are the wealthiest, yet most ignorant people in a large country! We are like Bubba with a shotgun; Dangerous and not thinking.

    Contact me if I can help or get involved.

  2. angeladtao Says:

    I believe that humanity is on the brink of a huge evolutionary leap in which we raise our conscious awareness of the connectedness of each other. I have been saying this for some time now. I have been saying that it is happening now because there is now a ‘critical mass’ of spiritually-awakened people who are able to help craft a new reality of humanity – one that will eliminate poverty and disease and release the abundance that is present in our universe for the benefit of all. I see these groups you describe as physical manifestations of this new reality being brought into being. It is reassuring to me to see this happening. Thank you.

    • endrunlv Says:

      There are many people who believe the same. To receive the benefits, isn’t automatic. Awareness starts now. Those who are working to improve the sate of Humanity and the future are the ones who will benefit the most.

      Many, will fall by the wayside.

      We all have responsibility to make a difference.

  3. Ephriam Turner Says:

    Enjoyed the read. Though it was critical of President Obama in points, I appreciate the solutions orientated post and not more of the hatred, venom, and just critizing. My only complaint is acknowledge him and call him President Obama. Petty in my opinion.

  4. […] a member in common), the world as we have known it itself (the global community), accelerates the Quest for Solutions for global problems that threaten the very existence of  […]

  5. […] a member in common), the world as we have known it itself (the global community), accelerates the Quest for Solutions for global problems that threaten the very existence of  […]

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